Moral Questions

I didn’t go to church today: I stayed home all day waiting for Damien to show up, which he never did. I believe he’s not motivated because I told him no regarding sharing my garage space with him… There are other reasons why I avoid church. Before my recovery, my friends were very cutting edge people, with values of science and technology. But the one elephant to their mentality was the item of ethics. A nihilist is someone who denies that existence has any human meaning. No God, no angels or devils, and no good or evil. It’s the kind of question that Dostoevsky wrestled with. It seems that when we push the envelope with science, we push away old moral traditions.

It’s always hard to know what to do. Kd lang sang a song with lines like these:

These are moral questions

What on earth are we to do

Offer our confessions

People would think I was pretty weird to buy a couple of her CDs years ago. I guess I was mostly curious. But I’m wandering off topic.

I was going to say that I’m actually torn between old friends with progressive values and new friends with traditional values.

I remember Christmas time of 2017 when I went caroling to the nursing homes with church members. I rode in the backseat with Sue, Nancy, and Barb. I commented that what we were doing was an Old School thing, and Nancy said she supposed I was right. Funny I can remember that, because I wasn’t very functional at the time. And for Christmas Eve mass I played the djembe and was the Little Drummer Boy. And the church was fairly packed for worship that night; in the pew behind me, a beautiful young Croatian woman had brought her two boys. Pastor Dan was really in his element leading the service. We lit the candles for “Silent Night” etc.

It makes me think.

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