Four Sparrows

Quarter after nine.

Morning time is Aesop’s favorite time of day. I admit I like it too. I don’t have much to say. One method of writing is to write before you think. Another is to think before you write. The second is considered “intentional” writing, while the first is a process of accidental discovery, the way Emerson made his essays. Sometimes it’s not easy to release control and let the language show the way. It takes a degree of trust to let the words flow.

It’s a wet day outside. I saw four house sparrows clustered together on the cement, apparently in a fight for a female…

And sometimes there just isn’t much to say, whatever your method.


A quote from Shakespeare might paint the whole scene:

“Fair is foul and foul is fair.”

And Pink Floyd,

“Do you think you can tell

Heaven from hell…?”

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